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Рубрика: Photoshop

Night Sky Photoshop Brushes Collection


Night Sky Photoshop Brushes CollectionThe second set of brushes representing the night sky — 35 brushes of different sizes from 278 to 2400 px. This large brushes representing the night sky (space dust, stars, moon scenes, etc). You can use them to give a dark, mysterious look to your next Halloween related project.3 ABR | […]

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Рубрика: Photoshop

Большой набор кистей для создания ужастиков / Ultimate Horror Facial Brushes


46 brushes | 755px — 1900px | 1 abr | 25.6 mb | Author: Helenartathome выпученные глаза, порезы, трещины, бородавки и другие жуткие вещи Скачать: DepositFiles — LetitBit — iFolder Все мои посты можно посмотреть в моем профиле . За зеркалами и по другим вопросам стучите в личку — комменты читаю нерегулярно.

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Рубрика: Photoshop

Pixeden — Smooth iPhone App UI Kit Psd


Pixeden — Smooth iPhone App UI Kit PsdSmooth is a flat design inspired iPhone UI Kit with solid colors and subtle shadows. We designed most of the elements that you might need when creating a flat design mobile app for your next project.PSD | 4 files | 3.18 Mb Info:http://www.pixeden.com/mobile-apps/smooth-iphone-app-ui-kit-psd In order to comfortably and […]

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Рубрика: Photoshop

Designtnt — Wood PS Brushes Set 2


Designtnt — Wood PS Brushes Set 2It’s a set of 15 wood brushes for Adobe Photoshop. Each brush is max size (2500 px) and can be used in both prints and web. To load them into the Brushes palette, double-click the .ABR file provided.ABR | 15 items | 53.69 Mb Info:http://www.designtnt.com/wood-ps-brushes-set-2/ In order to comfortably […]