Light: Science and Magic (3-е издание)

Fil Hunter, Steven Biver, Paul Fuqua, «Light: Science and Magic»
Focal Press | 2007-03-21 | ISBN: 0240808193 | 320 pages | PDF | 44.4 Mb
Эта книга давно стала бестселлером и предназначена для людей, осваивающих тонкости фотосъёмки. 3-е издание.

Light: Science and Magic (3-е издание)

Light: Science and Magic (3-е издание)

Light: Science and Magic (3-е издание)

Light: Science and Magic (3-е издание)

An amazing (and some would say magical) resource on photographic lighting that has been talked about in the community and recommended for years. This highly respected guide has been thoroughly updated and revised for content and design — it is now produced in full color! It introduces a logical theory of photographic lighting so if you are starting out in photography you will learn how to predict results before setting up lights. This is not primarily a how-to book with only set examples for you to copy. Rather, Light: Science and Magic provides you with a comprehensive theory of the nature and principles of light to allow you to use lighting to express your own creativity.

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