Topaz Simplify v3.0

Topaz Simplify — плагин который превратит любую фотографию в шедевр искусства. Инструмент позволяющий за счет размытия и упрощения границ цвета создавать живописные холсты из цифровых фотографий. В составе плагина имеются собственные пресеты.Используя тип художественного воздействия — имитирует рисование маслом и акварелью.

The Topaz Simplify plug-in transforms regular photos into beautiful watercolors, line art, and photorealistic paintings.

The unique size-based technology in Topaz Simplify processes the photo like a true artist would: it eliminates clutter and leaves behind only the essence of the photo. By selectively removing unnecessary image clutter, Simplify helps you create a bold and powerful piece of art in just a few clicks.

Instead of providing cookie cutter photo to art filters, Topaz Simplify opens a floodgate of artistic possibilities by giving you ultimate control over the most important element in art: simplicity. Use Simplify for anything from reducing distractions in a realistic photograph to completely transforming your photograph into a painting.

The artistic range and scope of Topaz Simplify is endless. Here are just a few things you can instantly do with your photos:
* Artistic: Completely transform your photos into dazzling watercolors, line art, paintings, cartoons, and drawings with just a click of a button. Because you get complete control over the degree and style of image simplification, there are infinite variations of art that you can create from any single photo.
* Realistic: Eliminate unnecessary clutter from your photographs to create stunning photorealistic masterpieces. With distracting details gone, the viewer is left with the true and impactful essence of the photo. Adjusting opacity and selectively applying Topaz Simplify will leave your viewers breathless at the natural beauty of your photo, unhindered by unnecessary image elements.
* Presets: Take advantage of Topaz Simplify’s extensive presets system. Use one of many built-in presets to jump start your creativity, save your own often-used settings, and download others from the community.
* Workflow: Topaz Simplify is fully 64-bit compatible, works in 16-bit color, is available for Aperture and Lightroom, and can be used as a Smart Filter. It is also fully multi-core optimized and blazing fast.

Размер: 26.12 Mb

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